Conjugaison du verbe tear to pieces [v.]
-tear to pieces
Itear to pieces
youtear to pieces
hetears to pieces
wetear to pieces
youtear to pieces
theytear to pieces
Itore to pieces
youtore to pieces
hetore to pieces
wetore to pieces
youtore to pieces
theytore to pieces
Iwilltear to pieces
youwilltear to pieces
hewilltear to pieces
wewilltear to pieces
youwilltear to pieces
theywilltear to pieces
Ihavetorn to pieces
youhavetorn to pieces
hehastorn to pieces
wehavetorn to pieces
youhavetorn to pieces
theyhavetorn to pieces
-tearing to pieces
-torn to pieces
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
tear into tear open swear by wear the trousers tear loose wear down tear to tatters tear off wear away tear to shreds tear apart tear out tear away wear off wear on tear up wear thin tear to ribbons tear to pieces tear to rags ... (30 mots)